Technical Guides

How to Enable Cookies in Edge

This guide shows the process of enabling Cookies in Google Edge.

  1. Click the "Settings and more" button

    In the top right-hand corner of the Edge browser's window, click the small button with 3 dots in it (this is the "Settings and more" button)

    Screenshot showing the location of the Settings and more menu button

    This will reveal a menu with more options. One of them will be named "Settings".

  2. Select the "Settings" menu item

    At the bottom of the large menu which just appeared, the bottom item will be called Settings. Click on it.

    Screenshot showing the Settings item in the menu

    The Settings menu will now appear.

  3. Scroll to the bottom and click "Advanced Settings"

    The bottom of the Settings menu is a button for Advanced Settings

    Screenshot showing the Advanced Settings item in the menu

    Click the  Advanced Settings button. The Advanced Settings menu will now appear.

  4. Scroll to the bottom and find the "Cookies" section

    Scroll down until you see the Cookies section.

    Screenshot showing the Cookies options.

    This select field shows the current Cookies setting and also gives the ability to choose the desired Cookies preference.

  5. Choose your preferred Cookies settings

    Change the cookies setting to "Don't block cookies".

    Screenshot showing the different Cookie options.

  6. Close the settings tab

    The new settings will take effect immediately. Close the Advanced Settings tab and resume browsing.